Hope everyone is well.
IBM will be terminating our services and notifications at the end of June.
I have already re-written our server software and moved it from IBM to Amazon AWS.
The next stage will be to switch to a new notification provider and drop IBM completely.
Weather Gods 3.6 was recently released and it includes the 1st part of the transition.
I highly recommend that people update to 3.6 as soon as practical as the next update will switch away from IBM completely.
RE: Switching Away from IBM
Thanks for the notification. Weird question. Does IBM write the weather description for the daily forecasts? Thanks, and I look forward to many more years of this awesome app.
Forecast Description
Hi sockhopsinger
Nope, I wrote my own algorithms to generate the weather descriptions when we moved from IBM weather data to AerisWeather.
RE: Forecast Description
Thanks for satisfying my curiosity. Keep up the great work with the app.