Weather Gods 1.5.2

By Weather Gods (Scott), 30 October, 2017

iOS and iPadOS

Hi All,

Another update should be hitting the App Store shortly - sorry for the flurry of updates, we are trying to have more smaller updates and more often. It makes our testing easier.

The updates for 1.5.2 are as follows:

1. iPhone X: hopefully everything will now run fine when people get them on Friday. We've taken Apple's advice and avoided the new touch areas (safe areas Apple calls them). I'm hoping voiceover works just as normal.

2. The moon god will now read out the number of days until each of the moon phases. This is a bit easier than trying to workout the days between the current date and the moon phase date

3. We've added the location coordinates for the current location to the app home button at the bottom of the screen. This is also the place where you can use the rotor to change locations.

4. The pressure trend, rising, falling, level is now available with the air god pressure reading on the main screen

5. I've been through and removed any unnecessary voiceover announcement of temperature unit e.g. 'Fahrenheit'. It's not needed and just made the announcement longer.

6. An important one, we fixed a bug that meant rainfall or snowfall data was often missing from the timeline for day 3 onwards.

That's it for this one.

If anyone is getting the iPhone X and has Weather Gods installed then I would love to know if it works well please?

Hope you like the update!



By MelodicFate on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 19:38

Thanks for this update. I love how you added in the trends for the pressure. The app is just as fast as it became during the previous update. Thank you for all the hard work, and all of your posts here. Weather Gods is the only app I use for weather.

By Erion on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 19:38

Thank you very much for this update, Scott. This is definitely my go to weather app, any time.

I'm glad the moon phase tracking is a bit easier now.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 19:38

Thanks MelodicFate and Erion, I glad you like the update :)

By DPinWI on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 19:38

In reply to by Weather Gods (Scott)

This app gets better all the time. Thanks Scott.

If I were to ask for one feature that would forever banish the stock weather app from my home screen, it would be the ability to see a week's temperature and precipitation at a glance.

For example, I still find myself opening the stock app on a Tuesday, to get a sense of the week's trend, so i can better gauge what to expect for the weekend. Seeing just a four day out Saturday forecast in Weather Gods isn't as informative as the week's trend can be. Things can shift a day or to but generally, the trend holds.

Or, is there a way to already see a trending forecast?

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 19:38

Hi DPinWI, thanks for the feedback.

Yes, we are looking at a week summary in a near term update, we are thinking of putting a daily summary with each day in the day picker.

So a quick swipe through each day (button) would give a summary. Would this work?

By MelodicFate on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 19:38

If I'm understanding this feature correctly, you'd swipe up and down through the days, and it'd say something like "Thursday, high X, low X"? That would be very nice. Of course, you'd still have to go to the day to see the weather in detail, but I suppose this way you'd get a quick understanding for the temperature.

By Justin on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 19:38

No, not swiping up and down thru the days. When you hit the now button, after that are the days as buttons, then he'll put a summary after the labeled day, for instance, it'll probably say something like: "tuesday, sunny. high of around 40, with 0% chance of precipitation. Winds from the NNW at 5 to 10 miles per hour." or whatever measurements you use. However, it could be something like how when you tap on a day and it gives you a forecast for that day/night at the bottom of the screen past the day buttons.

By Austin Grace on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 19:38

Love this app!!!! My fav weather app for sure. Thanks for all the awesome work.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 19:38

Thanks Justin, spot on :)

By DPinWI on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 19:38

In reply to by Weather Gods (Scott)

I love that idea. I was thinking about ways to suggest you do it, other than just another list, and this is great. A user could swipe through, hear the summary, and instantly drill down for details on a day by tapping it. Brilliant.