Looking for: Ability to watch same content on a TV and an iPad so son with low vision can feel included and watch movies with the family.
I understand many streaming websites (Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Amazon Prime Video, etc.) will leverage DRM (Digital Rights Management) technology to block or restrict access to Copyright protected content.
When we screen share from the iPad to the Apple TV we can see the content on the TV but it doesn't play on the iPad for someone with low vision to watch along.
I know there are things like facetime sharepaly, and watch party on netflix, and others.
I am looking for something that simply shares everything to the tv and ipad at the same time.
I purchases a HDMI splitter and have a small monitor set up for my son and a wireless HDMI device but we always have issues with the audio.
How are others watching content with their low vision loved ones? What am I missing that isn't an overly complex option?
Audio Description
Is there any good reason you're not using the audio description tracks that are on most shows through these services? I've had sighted friends initially say it was a challenge but now they all watch with AD even when I'm not around. But regardless, that's been the best way to include someone with a vision problem in my personal experience. It is an action which shows you value me/your blind friend/kids enough to really include me in an activity. You'll still be able to see the things you're watching, it's just some extra narration on top of that.
Most streaming services (well, not Hulu; but Netflix and Disney for sure) have an Audio Description track in the language settings when you're turning on a show/movie. You can also set the audio description track to the default in settings.
Why does your son need a separate setup to watch something?
I'm just curious, if the TV might not be large enough, or perhaps his vision is such that he might need a dedicated device to watch something. I'm not a large fan of audio description, finding it usually takes away from what i'm watching, the exception being an classic show that i am getting more out of because i can watch it audio described. Saying this, most describers are either over the top, or justhave a voice I'm not keen on listening to for the entire show. Audio description tends in my own view to describe an action that is already conveyed through the dialog. Let me give an example. In the first Harry Potter movie, there's a scene in which a Rememberall is shown. The line is said that if the smoke turns red, it means you've forgotten something. The narative says, "Red smoke fills the ball." The actor then says, "I can't remember what i've forgotten." Thereby deeming it unnecessary description as it's obvious without the narration what's happened. I'd watch with your son just on the Tv alone and maybe he might get more out of it just by watching with family. If he does indeed need to watch with audio description that might be your best bet. good luck, hope others can offer anything better then I have. :)