want to report this to accessibility but not sure if it's a bug related to apple

By Troy, 20 September, 2020

iOS and iPadOS

I want to report the following to apple but not sure if it's a bug spacifically related to apple or if it's the app itself.
I've noticed since ios13.6 with some apps, instacart for example vo will say that some buttons are dimd when they're really not, this is not happening just with instacart but another app that I use as well.
Does anyone know if this is a bug app spacific or if it's a vo issue itself? The other app I notice it on is the my chart app.



By Mlth on Friday, September 25, 2020 - 21:51

I've sometimes noticed this in Apple apps like the Music app, and I'm not sure what causes it either. It could be that it's a voiceOver specific bug, so I guess it would be ok to report or at least inquire about.
