VoiceOver And Visual Voicemail

By Pete De Vasto, 8 November, 2017

iOS and iPadOS

Since upgrading to iOS 11, I seem to be having more problems than before whenever I try to access voicemail messages. I'm with AT&T, have an iPhone SE and they use visual voicemail. From what I've read so far, it's sounding like once you bouble-tap on a voicemail message and hear it, you can't replay it again, you can only read the transcript data. I just discovered, though, after looking again, that there's a question after the transcript data with links for useful and not useful, and when I tapped not useful, now I'm seeing the play voicemail button, so maybe I'm getting somewhere. The other issue I'm having here, though, is that even if I select the speaker button because I don't want to hold the phone to my ear all the time, I can't seem to get the speaker to work. So, I'd love to hear from others as to how they're dealing with this visual voicemail concept. I wish there were a way I could simply turn off seeing the transcript data, but I've not found any way thus far. Thanks at least for listening, and for any thoughts anybody might have.



By Paul Martin on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 19:47

I've not seen the play Button vanish, but it is past the transcript when flicking through the screen. I also can't get the speaker to work, even if I select the button. I can start a message playing, and it goes without fail to the earpiece. if I however put it to my head and pull it away, the message pauses.