When typing with auto-correct enabled on the iPhone, how do you choose not to use an auto-correct option with voice over? Also, is there a way to disable the click sounds that VO makes?
There is no way to disable the sounds that V-O makes, unless you don't mind putting your phone on vibrate, or silent mode, with the switch located to the left of your phone, above the up Volume button. Flip that away from you, if the screen is facing you.
Hi. As for the auto correct feature just hit spacebar when you've decided what the word should be, and if it fixes it anyway, then backspace and write what you wanted. I know this is a little hard to explain, turth is I don't use auto correct really.
The other answer
Thanks for your replies. What
Thanks for your replies. What I mean about the auto-correct is I need to know how to choose which option is going to be used.