The full version of voice changer plus found in the entertainment complete with an upgrade which allows you to save your recordings, email them to friends as ring tones and change the way your voice sounds is only $2.49 Australian currency. The app requires iphone version 4.0 or above. This app is completely accessible, a heap of fun as you can change and alter your voice. With the paid upgrade installment only $2.49 Australian currency, why not purchase the paid upgrade. You can add your recordings to your iphone, email them as emails or ring tones to your friends, post them to face book or twitter, and have a bit of fun as well. Slow your voice down, make it go faster, make your voice sound like a darlic, listen to you being vayder from star wars, and even listen to your voice saying stuff in reverse, tip, try saying another one bights the dust and reversing it, has an interesting result.
There is a free version of this app, but remember you can't save the recordings or send them as emails or ring tones.
Have fun with this app.
4 stars, my only complaint, needs more ways of changing ones voice.