trouble exporting and importing content in voice dream writer from Dropbox

By Chantal Hampson, 30 July, 2020

iOS and iPadOS

hi all,
Firstly I hope everyone's weleal.
Secondly I was just wondering has anyone had trouble exporting/importing files in and out of vdrw as when I go into either the import or export option all I get is icloud despite the fact that I have dropbox on my ipad.
I know I've asked before but other than vdrw is there apps let you sync text files to dropbox that you can just open and start typing right away then continue in the same doc using the app exactly where you left off. Please note I use a Bi14 display not touch screen to control ipad.
If it's not possible to have an editor that will allow me to use md for headings is there an easy way of creating heading levels in an app such as ms word using a braille display?
