You know those things where after you dile a phone number, you get a recorded voice telling you to press different numbers for different options? I find this hard to do because of 2 things. 1. VoiceOver does not work with the phone up to your ear and when using speaker phone, the proximity sencer is also activated when I put my hands on the phone to try to use the number pad. It works better with headphones, but I don't always have them. 2. I enter the numbers too slowly and the recorded voice tells me to start over. So I am wondering if there is a way either in the phone app or another app to pre program in the numbers to call, then the numbers for the menu options I need before making the call so when I need to make the call I can just press a button and all the numbers are diled for me. I used to do this with OneTap and putting commas in-between the phone number and each menu option, but then it quit working.
automated dialing
As far as I know, no there isn't a way. your best bet is to use headphones or just do it in speaker mode. That's what I normally do.
Yes there is a way.
Yes. There is a way to do this. So what I do:
Lets say I want to call up something stupid like Bob's Pizza.
I get an automated system that tells me to press 1 for pick up or 2 for delivery.
Now the key thing is to remember that automated systems differ for allowing the time of input. But I will give you a good starting point.
So when you program this fake Bob's Pizza place, and you want a yummy heart shaped pizza delivered for you and your spouse on Valentine's Day. Here is how to go about the automation process.
You can put camas in the phone number field.
So lets say the number is (123) 456-7890.
For delivery, you would put 2 camas after the number before the number 2. No spaces. So here is how the number should be typed in.
Now usually, if any other number is required after that, you can get away with 1 cama before the number.
Each cama represents two seconds of pause.
I hope this helps and feel free to ask for more help if you need it.
Sincerely: John Follis
I found that commas do not work reliably enough to be used on a regular basis. In fact, The last 5 times or so that I tried, it didn't work.
That's strange. They work for me all the time.
Same here. I use this method
Same here. I use this method regiously and I get it 100 percent. I do put two of them before the first prompt though as it's just easier that way and it gives the system a bit more wait time.
auto dialer
There is a free one I think that you can get for iPhone now. However the numbers have to be in your contact list. You could try a website like as well. That one works from any device and is anonymous. The university I work at has actually used them in a pinch several times due to issues with their in-house software. We use the service to alert students for inclement weather conditions. I'm sure there are dozens of other ones you could use but they probably won't be free.