Supporting Trafiklab information

By fbartolom, 2 October, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

As promised I started working at the Trafiklab web site to try and add support Scandinavia to the countries covered by the in Arrivo suite. Yet, while it was reasonably easy to get the routes, trips and stops - notwithstanding it is not possible to get the actual routes of the lines without duplication so forcing to group on the destination and then possibly losing some lines, the elicitation of the waiting times was an impassable obstacle. As a matter of fact I was not able to find keys linking the stops to the waiting times, nor the routes to the stops. Users in Scandinavia using the in Arrivo HD app shall consequently be able to see bus and metro stops but no arrival times.
Given my mind resources on this are exhausted I am trying to hire a Swedish PHP developer able to do it. Perhaps by knowing the language and with the possibility of contacting them it could be a meter of few hours. I offer Euro 100 for the job. I formulated the specifications on PeoplePerHour, but I may report here if needed. Of course I see nothing hampering a blind developer from doing the job.

Thanks for your attention,
Fabrizio Bartolomucci
