Seeing Eye GPS subscription issue

By Lolly, 27 June, 2017

iOS and iPadOS
Hello, I just renewed my monthly subscription for the Seeing Eye GPS. I was able to get in a couple of times, but when I went in today, the renewal screen came up. It didn't present any other choices. It offered me the monthly and yearly options. When I followed the prompt it told me I had renewed my subscription, but it could not connect to the ITunes store. I found this odd since it comes from the app store. I killed the app in the app switcher, I did a reset holding down the power button and the home button for 8 seconds, and then I deleted the app and reinstalled it from the app store. I still cannot get into the app. Any ideas for other solutions? I can't find an addres for the sendyro list. I will need to use this app on "Wednesday. Thanks for your help!
