Searching in current version of the wwdc app.

By Darren12, 14 June, 2016

iOS and iPadOS

Hi everyone,
I've just tuned into this years what's new in accessibility session. One thing I've noticed while doing so, is that at least in the current version of the wwdc app, you can't search for specific content from within the app. When you search for something, accessibility, for example, no search results are returned. This happens for every search I've attempted. I do recall being able to search for specific sessions in previous versions of this app, and would be interested to know if anyone else has found this as well, before I let Apple know there's an issue.
Kind regards.



By molly on Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 13:36

I have problems searching for content too, but not with getting no search results. When I type, it's like the keyboard freezes when you try to type a letter, and then your words get spelled complety wrong if the keyboard unfreezes at all. This bug is a little frustrating.