Ringtones made in GarageBand really quiet when they sound off as alert tones

By Exodia, 8 June, 2022

iOS and iPadOS

Hey guys, I have a quick garage band question. Is there a way to boost the volume of a track or an audio recording so that when you export it as ringtone it won’t be super quiet? I exported a ringtone when played is pretty loud, but when I go to the Settings app and click on the ringtones and stuff like that, it plays back really quiet. Is there a way to adjust that? I have the change with buttons already turned off and I have a sound volume level set to full blast in the settings app. But still, it’s really really quiet. I tried boosting the input an output settings in GarageBand and all that. However, that doesn’t seem to do much. I even tried making recordings that are really close to the speaker and the speaker is a really loud, but that still makes the ringtone playback super quiet. But the weirdest thing is, it plays pretty good and loud in garage bat itself, it only does that in the sound settings when I have it set to ring or text tone.
