Restoring content back to iPhone from iTunes

By Alana, 25 May, 2013

iOS and iPadOS
Hi, I have old ringtones from iTunes I want to put back on my iPhone. How do I do this without restoring a previous backup? Thanks.



By MarkSarch on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - 07:53

Hi AAlana I don't know what kind of operated system are you using windows or Mac, not even screen reading because you didn't give details however most of screen reading work using the follow directions: Step 1 Lonch iTunes on the computer machine Step 2 Plug the iOS device at the computer Step 3 Localize Sorces menu Generally when open iTunes shows on the music sorces If you use JAWS or Window Eyes press the command Control +S If it doesn't work navigate using TAB key Alone TAB to move forword Shift +TAB to move vackword Until reach sorces menu Step 4 Navigate through the sorces menu using Up and down arrow keys Until reach TONES section under the sorces Note under tones section you can see if there are Ringtones or just to make sure that you have those Ringtones that you want to sync navigate on this section using TAB and shift TAB Step 5 Back to the sorces menu and use the Down arrow Until reach Devices sorces Step 6 Under devices sorces you will see the iOS device follow for the battery starter Press TAB key You will listen many check boxes When you get TONES check box hit space bar to select it Step 7 Continue pressing TAB until reach Sync tones check box Need to select it pressing space bar if it's already selected continue using TAB Step 8note there are two ways how to sing tones to your iPhone Entire tones or Selecting manually tones This option is up to you Selecting entire it will sing all the Ringtones located on the itunes library Selecting manually it will only sync Ringtones that you want to have on your iPhone Step 9 If you pick Manually option Press TAB until reach something like Ringtones tree vew Using up or down arrows navigate through Follow by space bar to select your Ringtones. Step 10 Press tab In both options until reach Sync or apply Press space bar or enter key Wait a moment until listen some sound notification m It's mean that process has been completed.