Removing downloads

By John Muoio, 7 February, 2014

iOS and iPadOS
Hi All, I have a 4s running 7.04 I tried to download a movie from i tunes to my phone but there is not enough roon to download it. Now it is stuck in my download file. How can I remove or delete it? Thanks John



By KE7ZUM on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 - 21:54

Can you check the videos app and see if you have it there, if so tap edit and then tap delete to see if that frees up enough space and gets rid of the movie. That's the only advice I can give right now. Take care and be blessed.

By John Muoio on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 - 21:54

Hi Mary, That works now I am able to download it directly to iTunes on my PC. Thanks again John