Removing, arranging and customizing the Share Sheet

By Mister Kayne, 6 March, 2025

iOS and iPadOS

For those who are not aware, the Share Sheet is the Menu that pops up when you hit the share button when any image or item that needs to be shared.

There are 2 sections to the Share Sheet:
1. Favorites
2. Other Actions

You cannot add much to Favorites not sure why especially if you want to have Be My Eyes to be listed under Favorites. However, you can again with some limitation add and remove items under Other Actions. I have been through every tutorial of help on the internet and thought I had it figured on how to organize/ customize my Share Sheet only to fail when doing it.

I wanted only a few items in the order I want them under Other Actions but I can't seem to remove the ones I don't want and keep the ones I want and in the order I want them in. So I called up apple support to be surprised by the most ignorant answer by the support executive. She said that it is the default behavior of the Share Sheet, I told her that after I did a reset of all settings on my phone I lost the arrangement and was able to customize it earlier. She still said that it is default behavior and there is nothing much I could do about it. I want to remove those additional actions like: Print, Set as Wallpaper and a few more from the Other Actions section. If anyone knows how to customize or get this done, I would really appreciate it



By Jeff on Sunday, March 9, 2025 - 03:15

I admit the share sheet is rather confusing to me. However, I've had some limited success at organizing it the way I want.

At the bottom of the share sheet is a button to Edit Actions. If you activate that button, you'll see a list of the available actions. Some of them say Insert [action name] and others have an on/off toggle. The insertable actions apparently cannot be removed, but I think turning off actions with an on/off switch hides them. Also, the switchable actions have an action rotor associated with them. One of the options in the action rotor is to insert the action. Inserted actions appear at the top of the list and can be moved up or down in the list via the action rotor.

I don't think I'm explaining this very well, but that's possibly because I don't understand it all that well myself. But hopefully, this might help somewhat.

By Mister Kayne on Sunday, March 9, 2025 - 03:55

I totally understand your instructions and comment. However, it sure is a mess to be able to customize the Share Sheet. Perhaps they should probably put it under Settings like they had it earlier with Control Panel

By Mister Kayne on Sunday, March 9, 2025 - 04:35

To my luck, I do not get contact suggestions in my Share Sheet. I want to remove all the unnecessary options under more actions and just keep a few like Save to Files and Recognize with Be My Eyes. Ideally one should be able to do it by editing that section

By Dave Nason on Sunday, March 9, 2025 - 10:06

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

I’ve already sent Apple a feedback on this, though never got a response or any sign that they’re looking at it really.
As mentioned it’s a confusing mix of on/off switches and items with an Insert action, and it just doesn’t seem to be possible to simply choose what you want and in what order.
I’m sure we’d love to do a podcast on AppleVis, but speaking for myself at least, I can’t because I don’t know if it’s possible either ☹️

By Mister Kayne on Sunday, March 9, 2025 - 10:35

I’m going to speak with apple accessibility support about this soon