removing alex voice from i phone 6

By mark wright, 14 November, 2014

iOS and iPadOS

Hi all

alex is a great voice but if i wished to remove it and restore the space it takes up. I'm not too short but for those who are maybe is there anyway of erasing this voice and restoring the 800 odd MB it takes up. Or once you've downloaded it once there is no way of removing it. I personally find the alex voice too quiet and soft when out in a busy place like a pub or a town centre for example. The english default voice is actually more than good enough i'd say. So if any of us wished to is there any way of removing the alex voice uninstalling and freeing up some space if we so wished ?

many thanks in advance



By MarkSarch on Friday, November 28, 2014 - 01:50

Hi Mark
I will give you step-by-step how to delete Alex voice from your iOS device
Settings app
General// accessibility// voiceOver// Speech// default dialect
First need to select other voice different to Alex before to delete it to avoid not speech.
On the upper right corner hit on
Then look for Alex boys until reach Juan specific line that says
Delete Alex voice
Double tap on it
In case to confirm just click on okay or delete button.
Then just go to upper right corner and hit
Done button.