Remove Facebook posts

By Jayson, 13 June, 2014

iOS and iPadOS

Hello! I cannot remove my Facebook posts in my iPhone with Vo. I opening my post, tapping on my name, then Before I usually see remove button, copy, cancel etc but now nothing works. why? Even if VO is off then I can tap exactly where my name is, don't work either. Very very frustrated!!! I have last version of Facebook. It doesn't matter if I will do it direct in Facebook and/or have to go to my profile sajt to do it, it's totally stop!!!



By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 01:38

I can't remove them either.

By Gus Pacleb on Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 01:38

You can do the following to remove your posts from facebook.
1. Go to the newsfeed tab.
2. Find the post in your newsfeed that you want to remove, but don't double tap on it.
3. When you have found the post you want to remove, do a two finger double tap to bring up options to that specific post.
4. Select morrre and then select remove post.
5. Double tap on yes to remove the post.
I hope this helps.