Really weird problem with Dolby on

By glassheart, 5 March, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

I have a rather strange problem going on with Doby on, and I wanted to see if anyone else could reproduce it. The problem that I'm experiencing is the fact that I use mfi hearing aids with my phone. Anytime they are connected, as soon as I double tap the record button, the app completely crashes. I have no idea why this is going on. If anyone has any idea, or can reproduce this behavior, please do let me know. I'm ready to send something to the developer letting them know, but I won't be sure that this is nothing weird on my end, and that this is reproducible. Just to clarify, this is not happening with regular Bluetooth headphones. It seems to only be happening specifically with mfi hearing aids. I'm not sure if you would have this problem with bluetooth enabled hearing aids. It's only doing it on my end with the ones that are specifically mfi, left Purim made for iPhone right prim. Please excuse the typos above. I'm currently using voice dictation, and it doesn't completely seem to be cooperating. Lol.
