just more then one year i am typing emails to apple accssesibility team and reporting the problem about issue to read unicode characters.
voice over reads ą separately from entire word. here’s an example:
ąžuolas nesąmonė. knygą, ąsotis, knygą, ąžuolą,
as you see if you use any default language with any voice it is unexpectedly changed to another ( i think Czech language) ones it reads Ä…. if you add another language to router and use it, this Ä… is red separately from entire word
let’s try to copy this text using gesture 3 fingers 4 taps and you will sea, that ą will be separated with spaces.
My language voiceOver doesn't support.
any ideas how i can fix it? i try add this Ä… to the dictionary and force to pronounce it "a" but it doesn't work
i have lost motivation write emails to apple accssesibility. i got one answer : "Thank you for writing to Apple. We appreciate you taking the time to provide this feedback. We have passed this report along to the appropriate team for investigation."