Reading sentences by word in voice dream reader, is it possible?

By Pa. Joe, 7 December, 2022

iOS and iPadOS

When reading a digital book with voice dream reader, can I read some sentences word by word with voice over? I need to be able to learn the spellings of some words in particular.
I imagine this can be done, but I've never used the app before.



By KE8UPE on Friday, December 9, 2022 - 02:19

Iā€™m having a strange issue of my own. I can't select more than 2 or 3 words.
I'm trying to study for my college finals & was having trouble accessing the book on my computer, so decided I'd try the book on my phone with Voice Dream Reader.
It works well if you just want to casually read, but I need to get through all 11 chaptersof this particular book & write down the important parts, so I can review them, but I'm finding that to be difficult because of the issue I described above.
Has anyone else seen this & found a workaround?