Question about VO language detection

By Missy Hoppe, 29 October, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

I casually mentioned this in a different thread, but thought I'd post it as it's own topic just in case anyone out there has any suggestions. I am using the Duolingo app to brush up on Spanish. The app's accessibility definitely has room for improvement, but I can usually accomplish my daily lesson. Anyway, to make things a bit easier, I put Spanish in my roter so that I could easily switch to a spanish voice when needed, and also so that the Spanish Keyboard would be read correctly. I was using Spain Spanish Siri voice 2 for t his, but since Siri voices seem to be automatically deleting themselves at the moment, I was hoping to switch to Mexican Spanish Angelica. The default Spain voice, compact Monica, is almost entirely incomprehensible to me. The problem I'm running into is that VO's language detection uses Spain Spanish in Duolingo no matter what. Is there any way to change this behavior, or do I need to see if I can find another Spain Spanish voice I can hear/tolerate until the siri problem gets resolved? I have Mexico Spanish in my VO roter, and the Mexican Spanish Keyboard. I also have Mexican Spanish as a secondary language on my phone, just in case that makes any difference, but so far, no luck. I've turned off language detection and can just use the roter to change voices as needed, but it seems overly complicated. I've tried looking at DuoLingo to see if there are any settings I can change there, but I couldn't find anything. If anyone out there has any sugges tions, I would really appreciate it. Hopefully, the Siri weirdness will get resolved at some point and I can go back to doing what worked best for me, but until then, I want to keep things as simple as possible. Thanks for reading, and I hope that everyone is having a great day!
