a question about the demensions app: sounds sometimes disappear in artifact getting

By KE7ZUM, 9 March, 2013

iOS and iPadOS
Hello dimentionauts I have a question. Sometiems I hear an artifact so I try and move my finger. I can't get this to happen but when it does it's annoying. I move my finger and I don't' hear the sound. but I hear the strings telling me that an artifact is still there but no sound spiningin my head. This has happened in *all* deinensions at one time or another. Is this a bug in the app or in the iOS. Normally I'm very good at getting artifacts. Take care.



The beam was active. I moved my finger slightly to the left and the sound disappeared, just gone. I took my finger off the beam, heard the downword swoop and put my finger on the beam and still nothing yet I was turning and collecting QC's but the artifact sound never reappeared. The strings sound though did its normal thing and I heard oh well. better luck next time. This has happened mostly in connecconnectic but I ve had it happen in collective as well.

By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Saturday, March 23, 2013 - 05:13

It is a bug in the app.

By KE7ZUM on Saturday, March 23, 2013 - 05:13

In reply to by Isaac Hebert (not verified)

Yeah thought so. If we can find a pattern then we might more easily be able to report it to the devs but so far I have not been able to find any pattern to this. Anyone know a pattern so we can maybe produce this and sacrifice some QCs in the process? lol!