Problems sharing an iCloud drive folder

By Deborah Armstrong, 19 November, 2021

iOS and iPadOS

My sister has an iPAD and an iPHONE. I want to share some files with her on my iCLOUD drive.

I picked share from the share sheet for the folder, then selected message, and it appeared to embed an icon for sharing the folder in an iMessage I sent her. But she says she cannot access the folder.

I also looked at the iCLOUD drive on my Windows PC, but found no way to share it there. With one-drive, Google Drive and Dropbox you can generate a share link. You simply right-click and select Share or create link. But right-clicking on the folder in my iCLOUD drive doesn't give me those choices.

I do not have a Mac. My sister is sighted and I'm a VO user. Is there some other way I can share the folder with her?
