Hi all,
An interesting problem that I cannot work out! I have two accessible apps that for no reason at all and without me doing anything (I believe) opened all of a sudden announcing with Voice Over 'screen recognition on'.
The first was the Borrow box app, earlier this year and yesterday, the Dolphin Easy Reader app.
After being totally accessible, the two apps are now almost inaccessible. Rather than being able to move accross the screen with my finger and getting audio feedback, I now have to swipe left and right with a loud click with every swipe to get any audio feedback at all. Also, if I double tap, the apps just close or do nothing. As a result, I cannot read, undertake any actions or read any books at all. This was just random and just as I opened each of the apps with a double tap from the home screen.
If I go to 'screen recognition in accessibility in settings, I can see that both Borrow box and Easy reader are highlighted, however, if I turn screen recognition off, then, I get nothing on the screen when I return to the apps although my sighted son says that the text is on the screen. Can anyone help or have suggestions on what I can do? I have also tried deleting the apps and loading again, and turning off my iPhone and turning on again.
I am using an iPhone XR with the latest IOS.
Touch Anywhere on the Screen?
Hi. I have a different iPhone model than you, but perhaps this will help. That has happened to me before too, if I understand you correctly. What I do to get past this is single-tap anywhere on the screen, and then the apps get unstuck. Not sure why exactly this happens in the first place, but it might be another focus issue which Apple needs to address. Hth and good luck.
I have screen recognition on the rotor
I enable or disable screen recognition using the rotor. If you have the same setup, maybe you flicked up and enabled it by accident.
Not sure about your stuck apps, but the usual thing to try is to close the problem apps from the app switcher, update the apps, reboot, and perform other ritualistic voodoo. Good luck.
one thing you might also try…
one thing you might also try is toggling the app's screen recognition setting from the app switcher via the rotor. The rotor options for both screen recognition and direct touch are tied to each specific app when you swipe through them in the app switcher, so it might help to make sure it's off in there as well.