Hey all!
I have some questions about the Mbraille app. I got it yesterday and I think it could be a great app that i can get a lot use out of.
I do have some questions though.
1. Can someone please do a podcast on this app? Or is there already a podcast on this app on another web site? And if so, can you please point me to it?
I'm reading the help documentation, but sometimes a podcast helps me have also. I have learned how to use quite a few apps and features from podcast demonstrations and walkthroughs on here and other places.
2. I seen some in app purchases the keyboard and the documents version. If I go ahead and buy the full version, will I get every thing including the keyboard?
Thank you very much for all of your help in advance! :-)
to use this app in conjunction with braille screen input. For whenever I need features the grill screen input lax. Or if there’s an app where it’s easier just to the brown screen and put using this app.
I would get a lot of use right now because I’m taking the transitioning to unified English bro course. So I’m doing the practice exercises on my iPad as well as in hardcopy to get the feel of typing them out on the iPad too.
I tried Visual Brailler, but the appellee seems to work if you have a brother display. Which due to the expense I do not have at this time.