Outlook on iOS send button disappearing

By wheelysneakycat, 5 December, 2022

iOS and iPadOS


Using outlook on an iPad I have a problem which seems to randomly happen where the send button when composing a message seems to disappear. I cannot find it either by swiping or just moving my finger around the screen. I posted about this awhile ago and nobody replied but I have now discovered, after getting a sighted person to look at the screen, that it seems that VoiceOver is enclosing the whole message body and the send button in some kind of box, making the send button itself impossible to press. This sighted person thought that it looked like the whole message was selected.

They said it was black I think, which makes it sound like what happens on the Mac when items are focused by the VoiceOver cursor but I don't know whether this works in the same way on iOS. Is anyone else using outlook on iOS and do you have this problem? It seems to just randomly happens sometimes and not others. I have no idea how to stop this happeningā€¦ Very frustratingā€¦



By Bingo Little on Friday, December 9, 2022 - 02:20

I'm having exactly the same problem as you, using an iPhone 13 and the latest IOS and Outlook. There is a work-around: turn on screen recognition. Then a down arrow button appears I think one swipe to the right of the new message heading or the reply heading if you're replying. press that. The send button is then available just above the P on the keyboard. i haven't swiped to it but have managed to find it. This has only been a problem since the latest Outlook update for me, though previously it was a bit hit and miss swiping to the send button. I'm not sure how reliable this work-around is so if anyone can do any better it would be great to hear.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Friday, December 9, 2022 - 02:20

Hi, Iā€™m having the same issue on the iPhone with the latest version of outlook for iOS. I have rung the Microsoft Accessibility Helpdesk and they are aware of this issue and will fix it as soon as they can in the next update so I have not installed it on the iPad

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Friday, December 9, 2022 - 02:20

Just updated to the new version of outlook, and the send button is now there.
Thanks for the update. It didnā€™t take them long to fix it.

By wheelysneakycat on Monday, January 9, 2023 - 02:20

Thanks for the workaround using screen recognition, that really helped me out. And yes, glad to say it's now fixed with an update...