OnlinePianist - Virtual Online Piano Playing App - Feedback Wanted

By OnlinePianist, 24 May, 2016

iOS and iPadOS


We are OnlinePianist - an online piano learning application available on iOS (iPhone / iPad / iTouch), Android (mobile, tablet) and desktop devices.

Our app features a unique animated tutorial player which can be customised to users' visual difficulty, playing level and style of learning.

We would love to hear your feedback in how we could make it more user friendly for users and how well the VoiceOver feature works or doesn't work. Please don't be shy regarding feedback. We are only looking at improving.

If someone could write a detailed review and submit it, it would be a great place for us to hear about ongoing user feedback which we can then follow up on and update on a regular basis.

We are genuinely seeking user feedback as it is our goal to bring piano learning to audiences which may not have had the opportunity before. For example, many sufferers of autism and dyslexia struggle to read sheet music, so have found our app to be a remedy for learning their favourite songs. We hope this can extend to vision impaired and blind users too.

We believe no one should feel limited in learning their favourite songs on piano. Therefore please go ahead and check out our <a href="">piano app</a>! :)

The OnlinePianist Team

P. S. The link for the app can be found here:



By sockhopsinger on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 - 21:38

I will definitely check it out after I get a chance to download it once I get off work. This sounds very promising. Thanks for posting here and informing the blind community of this app.

By Faerie on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 - 21:38

I am very confused with this app. Launched it and clicked on a song. and then I have no idea what I'm doing. There are lots of unlabeled or strangely labeled buttons. Turning VoiceOver off and tapping caused random notes to be produced, but tapping in the same places didn't produce the same notes. Is there a spacific VoiceOver mode that needs to be toggled here, or something I'm missing? I appreciate you posting here and trying to figure out VO intigration. I am also happy to help in any way, but I am incredibly confused on how this can be used.

By techluver on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 - 21:38

First of all, welcome, and thank you for seeking feedback! We always love to find developers who are willing to take the time to make their app accessible.
However, I'm sorry to say that this isn't the most accessible thing in the world. Some of the buttons do not have text labels, so voice over can't read them. the positioning is a little weird, and some documentation maybe within the app would be nice. Also, on an unrelated note, is there a search feature where you can search to see what songs you want to learn?