I am wondering if navigating by page is broken in Voice Dream Reader 4.8.3 or if I'm doing something wrong.
I downloaded "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Bookshare.
When I tap on the "Page" button in Voice Dream Reader, the dialog says that I can enter a number between 0 and 136. If I enter something like 88 and tap OK, my position in the book remains where I started.
Also, I downloaded another book from Bookshare "The Moment of Lift" (by Milinda Gates), also in Daisy format, and the "Page" dialog in Voice Dream Reader says 0 pages.
Aren't all of these Daisy books from Bookshare navigable by page?
BTW, I also opened "The Moment of Lift" in the Easy Reader app and I do see page numbers associated with each chapter heading and I am able to navigate by page.
Thanks for any suggestions.
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