Looking for an accessible metronome app that can handle complex time signatures

By Mlth, 17 April, 2019

iOS and iPadOS

I'm looking for a metronome app that can handle odd or complex time signatures, such as 13/8 or 17/8, that works with VoiceOver.
Additionally, it would be nice if I could customize how it handles subdivisions, so I could for instance construct a pattern or clave to practice on top of.
I've tried the following apps, but they did not fit my needs or were inaccessible:
Metronome Plus, Time Trainer, Tempo Perfect: Not enough flexibility
Pro Metronome, Polynome: Inaccessible.



By René Jaun on Saturday, April 27, 2019 - 00:28

The developer of SonoGrid approached the Applevis community some months ago. His app allows the composition of rhythmical patterns. You can create complex ones. The pattern is then repeated infinitely, which could possibly serve as metronome.
The app is here:
And the Applevis Thread is here:

By Mlth on Saturday, April 27, 2019 - 00:28

Thanks a bunch! This looks like exactly what Im looking for. I'll install and take it for a spin tonight.
Thanks again!


By tunmi13 on Saturday, April 27, 2019 - 00:28

Try TempoPerfect. It is a pretty good metronome. The buttons are nicely labeled and you can adjust time and BPM with picker item adjustments.

By Mlth on Saturday, April 27, 2019 - 00:28

Thanks for the input! TempoPerfect seems great, but unfortunately it can't play in time signatures above 8 it seems. Is there any way I can make it do that?
Right now I'm trying to figure out SonoGrid, which seems to be able to do everything I want, but I need to wrap my head around the interface. I'll post in the forum topic I think.
Other suggestions are also welcome.
