LaunchPad for IOS VO change detrimental

By John Gurd, 15 November, 2020

iOS and iPadOS

I’ve just fired up LaunchPad for making music On my iPad Miniand discovered a Voice Over behaviour change that I consider to be detrimental. LaunchPad works on a grid of 6 by 6 pads which trigger different musical elements that can be combined and changed. Before swiping left or right moved VO focus along each row. With Vertical Navigation enabled it was also possible to navigate quickly up and down each column. Now VO swiping left and right navigates the column instead and there is no way to move quickly and accurately along rows. I’ve finding this change really hampers music making and renders the app almost unusable to me.

Unfortunately I haven’t found an easy way to contact the developers. Does anyone else use this app?
