I had an SE3 and the phone randomly restarted and asked me to enter passcode. After transferring over to my iPhone 16e, I am having the same problem. I've contacted Apple, not sure if the person is in accessibility but knows a little about it in general, and she told me to delete appson my old iPhone to see if we could track down the issue. I was thinking it was voiceovr related. Anyway, today my new phone restarted 18 times so far. Anyone else having this problem? I have talked to one voiceover user who is. Any suggestions on how to fix it? The Apple support person is supposed to follow up with me on Fri, but this is too much.
I am having the same issue
I have been having the same issue for several weeks now. I am also a voiceover user. At first, I thought it was something to do with the beta. I have been a beta tester for years and know the risks. I went to the local apple store last Saturday. They saw all of the restarts in my diagnostics, but could not submit for repair because of the beta. So we removed the beta by restoring the phone, which meant that from scratch I had to download all of my apps and reset everything. My apple watch was also on the beta, so it no longer works and won't until the public version of IOS 18.4 is released. Then yesterday, the restarting began again. Multiple times, when I would lock the phone it completely restarted. So, it is not the beta. I called apple support and they ran diagnostics remotely and it said my phone needs service, it is likely a hardware issue. Not at all what I wanted to hear. So now I have to make the 2-hour trip between bus and train ride back to the apple store tomorrow to see if they will replace the phone. They tried to tell me they have to run a repair first, which means I would be without a phone for at least a week or more. It is still under warrantee and the support representative said they should just replace it, but who knows. Will know more tomorrow. What a mess!! I am sorry you are also having this problem. Did you get your phone from Apple directly or from your carrier?
I'm having the same issue
I'm having the same issue, I have the iPhone 14. I wonder if this could be a Software bug.
similiar issues
I got it from the carrier and it was shipped. The diagnostics said I too had stability issues with both phones. But this one is brand new. It was restored from the other one. So strange. I am glad ot know others are having the same problem. I hope a solution can be found soon. I really don't want to erase my phone and start again.
you won't like my answer
do a factory reset. "DO NOT"!!! DO A RESTORE FROM BACKUP! Set it up as new. Why do I say this? first I suspect you brought whatever the trouble is from your other phone to the new phone. This will give us the answer. Unfortunately this is the only way to find out for sure. This is not normal nor expected behavior. What causes this? Who knows sometimes it just happens.
Did a full factory reset
That’s what I did, they had to do a full factory reset to get rid of the beta so I had to install everything as new. There were several apps I did not download. It was a good excuse I suppose to clean out the apps that I don’t use anymore. It took forever. Because I know it’s a hardware problem, this time I probably will go from back up with the new phone. But we will see. That process took so long because I put everything in folders.
Wow, I am sorry you guys are…
Wow, I am sorry you guys are experiencing this, and even more so that you had to do a full factory reset, and re-download everything manually. That had to have been nerve-racking. I hope the Apple Store can narrow this down, I am on an iPhone SE 2022, like the OP was, so I am very hopeful that I do not end up with this situation as well. 😬
iOS 18.3.2
Heard that Apple might release another update for bugs. Maybe they will fix that? Also heard that iOS 18.4. beta 2 had that issue with some phones. Hope all of you can get your phone fix ASAP.
iPhone restarting and more
i'm having the same issue with my iPhone Pro Max. Additionally, on the lock screen, you have to turn VoiceOver off to slide up and then turn voiceover back on to enter your iPhone passcode. This also has another problem which is affected by both the iPhone Pro Max 15 and the iPhone 14 Pro Max. that is, the App Store keeps signing you out and you have to wait for it to sign you back in before you can update apps. This is also affecting that you can't update more than one app at a time. Finally to make things even more interesting, my iPhone 15 Pro Max had the same issue and it quit restarting. We'll see what happens when they send it back to me from Apple. The SE3 hasn't had none of these problems. All of these occur with voiceover on. So I'm assuming it may be something in VoiceOver. The problem started with version 18.2 and continue to worsen. i've already restored one of the phones. It had no effect after the restoration from a back up. So I'm assuming it has to do with iOS. Internet, connectivity and speed had nothing to do with it. I went from a slow Internet connection of 1.5 Mbps to the current one at 56MPPS. No difference. Both had good Internet connections just different speeds.
never restore from a backup in this type of situation
if the problem is in the backup your just bringing it with you. set it up as a new phone and see what happens
I'll be honest, I don't think this is software or a backup issue
To me this sounds like a hardware problem; not a software or backup problem because if it was software it would be affecting everyone with iphone 15plus moddles which is not the case. I.e, I have a iphone 15 pro and haven't got this at all. More likely than not? You got defective devices that came out defective from the get go. A bad batch, if you will but, just my 2 cents.