iOS Calculator Bluetooth Input Mystery Solved

By OldBear, 20 April, 2024

iOS and iPadOS

There is a long-shot chance this might help someone else one of these days. It might also apply to other apps, but it happens to be the native iOS calculator for me. I have a Bluetooth device--in this case, a digital caliper--that behaves like a keyboard sending the numbers of a measurement to the iPhone, followed by a return. I need Voice Over to read out the number when I send it, and the calculator does this very well. Notes, for example, requires that a document be in edit mode, and my rotor be set to word, then I have to swipe back because the imput is too fast and Vo only speaks that a return has been entered. The calculator doesn't even have an edit field to tap on to switch between read or edit.
For a long time, I've been trying to figure out why the Calculator app sometimes thinks this device is sending a navigational command, and VO says "item not found," or bonks, rather than receiving the numbers and a return. It turns out, after chasing my tail with battery changes and bluetooth-setting frustrations, I have to connect my regular keyboard, turn off the Quick Nav, or what ever it's called, with the left/right keys, then switch back to the caliper. It works fine after that.
I know, not really a big deal, but it drove me nuts every other time I used it.
