iOS 9's best new feature is ad blocking.

By Andy Lane, 17 September, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

Hi all,

I have just installed iOS 9 which seems pretty good however it contains a new feature, Ad blocking in safari. Safari on my iPad Air 2 and my iPhone 6 Plus are both pretty slow. pages take around 5 seconds minimum and 20 - 30 seconds maximum to load, even with iOS 9. Well after installing an ad Blocker which is a new feature in iOS 9, most pages load in under 1 second. I have a 200MB / sec internet connection so maybe you won't get quite the blistering speed I do however it seems significant improvements can be made to the speed of safari by blocking ads. To install an ad blocker. Go to the app store. search for ad blockers and download crystal. Crystal is the easiest and from reviews seems the most affective. There will be more available in the coming months but for now, this is doing the trick very nicely indeed. Once you have installed Crystal, you need to head over to settings - Safari - content blockers and enable crystal. Next time you launch safari get ready to be amazed. On my iPad especially I was blown away. Websites load as quickly as on my iMac 5K with 24GB Ram and a 4GHz processor. Literally instant instead of 5 - 20 seconds.

I hope this helps.




By Jose María Ort… on Sunday, October 11, 2015 - 07:56

Hi, I just installed the App and now I can't open any link in some newspaper pages. Can I configure this App to allow specific pages or something like that?


Hi, you could always disable it in settings if its causing issues. Mine hasn't caused any problems at all. 1blocker (numeral 1 no space blocker) allows much more control over what is blocked. Did you notice safaris massive performance increase?

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, October 11, 2015 - 07:56

So how much for crystal, 1blocker. I checked for purify blocker and is $3.00 also are they accessible. the podcast for purify is accessible according to applevis.