IntoNow - a new app that recognizes TV shows

By AppleVis, 2 February, 2011

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

iOS and iPadOS

Hi all,

I saw mention of this app on one of my news feeds today, and thought it sounded interesting (kind of like SoundHound, but for TV shows rather than music). Unfortunately I've not had an opportunity to test it, as it is not available in my regional iTunes Store. But, as it is free, I figured that some people here would likely be interested enough to try it.

Here is a trimmed version of the description from iTunes:

IntoNow makes engaging with your favorite TV shows easy, social, and fun. Just tap the green button when your favorite show is on and IntoNow will identify the show and episode; provide all data and links associated with it; and help you share on Facebook and Twitter. IntoNow also helps you see which shows you have in common with your friends -- including whether they’ve seen the latest episode -- and alerts you whenever you and a friend are watching the same show at the same time. Use it to discover new shows, discuss your favorites with your friends, and learn more about whatever you’re into now!

And here is the link to the app in the US iTunes Store:

If anybody does try this app, please post a report on its accessibility to the App Directory.




By AppleVis on Wednesday, February 9, 2011 - 15:02

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Early feedback from the VIPhone mailing list indicates that this app is accessible, and also does a good job of identifying television shows.

By steven taylor on Wednesday, February 9, 2011 - 15:02

Don't dispair, there is a way of getting this app, even if it's not in the australian version of the itunes store. What's more, it's completely legal to do it so here goes. 1. go to your itunes store. 2. Select the change country link. Select the United state store. 4. Now select apps. 5. Select the link David posted and install the app, tip, do all of this on your computer, then sink the app to the iphone. Only one button was unlabeled throughout the whole app. I'm am extremely impressed. Tip, don't try this one with anything else but a television. Tip, if you have other background noise, example music from a radio, turn the background noise down. Extremely useful app, but doesn't allow you to buy the show in itunes. Apart from that, extremely useful app. Still gets 5 stars.