identifying incoming Facetime Video calls

By Carlos M Contreras, 14 December, 2022

iOS and iPadOS

I have a problem with incoming Facetime video calls, and it is that I can not easily recognize them as a video call, and I answer them without knowing that my camera is on and transmiting video. Normally I use special ringtones that I assigned to my friends and family and I answer the call without checking anything else. Even with other people I answer the call after Voiceover readme the name of the person without waiting to hear the rest of the information about the call, because if I wait to hear all the information, the other person may hangup the call. Also, almost nobody call me using Facetime video.

What I want to know is if someone knows a trick to be able to identify an incoming video call so that they know before hand that the camera will be on on your side.

To be honest, I think the best solution would be that Apple add a setting to Facetime so that you can select the default status of the camera for incoming video calls. If there is a way to do this, I haven't found it and I think it will increase the privacy of people by having the opportunity to select the status of a camera when answering calls, and if it is off, to be able to turn it on after answering the call. I think there are people that even had answered a video call because they think it is from a close relative, to find out that the other person is calling with an audience of other people that want to say hi.

Any ideas will be appreciated.



By LaBoheme on Monday, January 9, 2023 - 01:57

obviously, identifying it's a video call before answering is the best way. if you already answer it, the easiest way to tell is that the voice comes out of the speakers instead of the earpiece, unless you route your calls to speakers by default. once you answer, there are control element on the top of the screen where yu can turn the camera off.
for me, i always make sure who is calling and by which method, i don't rush. sometimes people call me with facetime video, i just don't answer and call the person right back with facetime audio.