How to deal with images in what'sApp statuses?

By Gokul, 22 September, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

Well, in usual interfaces, when an image appears, you have various options like VoiceOver's native image description providing the basic context including the text present, or sharing the picture with third-party apps like Seeing AI, or recently, Be My Eyes to get better descriptions. But what does one do in case of images appearing in What'sApp statuses and the like? Even the native image description doesn't seam to work. So how does one go about understanding the image and the context?



By bonerobot on Wednesday, September 27, 2023 - 03:55

Well, I'd recommend to take a screenshot of your chosen WhatsApp-Story, and would share it with Be MY AI.
It'll recognize it as a conversation, but it doesn't matter, because Be My AI will describe the attached picture.