By Misty Dawn, 24 June, 2013
iOS and iPadOS
Surely, at least some of you have encountered the following situation. Your sighted relative/friend wants to know how to do this or that on their iPhone. You try to explain it to them and they say, "I don't see anywhere." You finally come to realize that your verbal VoiceOver representation is, for them, some graphical symbol or other which you can't see.
How do you guys help the sighted person figure out their phone in those situations? Is there anywhere where I can find explanations ofthe graphical symbols and their locations onscreen that are represented by verbal VoiceOver cues?
A suggestion
I would agree with the
Turn screen curtain off
Also, the very nature of
What does this highlight look
Don't know what it looks like
How do sighted people use the touchscreen?
I wonder how people use the touchscreen in iOS without voiceover? For example: how do you close apps? Or how do they switch between open apps? Where can I go to find out? I looked at the iPhone manual and couldn't get past the table of contents.
Learn How To Do Things Both Ways
The best you can do is learn how things are done with and without vision. This enables me to help my friends and others who are sighted do what they need to do; from troubleshooting their smart phone, or how to do certain tasks on their computers. Example, selecting multiple items to the clipbord or for uploading to websites or social media are done differently for users who are sighted than for us. For us Mac users, depending on the OS (we'll use Yosemite) we have to use the VO keys plus the Command key, and enter to select multiple items. They on the other hand, must hold down Command while clicking the items they want.