Help needed with using the iMove iOS app

By pam, 3 August, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

Can someone tell me how to use the imove app? I have heard that it is good and I have got it on my ipphone 4s. many thanks pam



By Scott Davert on Thursday, August 20, 2015 - 20:02

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Hi Pam.
The app is fairly straight forward, but if you have specific questions, feel free to ask. What issues are you having after playing with it?

By pam on Thursday, August 20, 2015 - 20:02

In reply to by Scott Davert

Hi Scott. I just want to kknow how to use this app.

By zdenek on Saturday, February 20, 2016 - 20:02

Hello, I have the same question as Pam, how to use imove. For instance, I am standing in front of my apartment building trying to get to the tram stop. I know that at the corner I have to turn left walk straight forward and when I reach the end of the stairs turn left again and when the sidewalk starts to turn up a bit I am at the tram stop. So I guess at the main screen I would go to manage roots and notes then double tabbed. Then double tabbed at at new road button and I would give a name of the root. Then I would probably add a new note in front of my appartment building, another note at the corner, another note at the end of the stairs and another note when the side walk starts turing up. However, how would I finish the root. Then what are the different settings, because playing the point of interest after 300 seconds might be unnecessary since I might have passed my point already. Also what if my two points are very close to each other closer than 30 meters? Also at the main screen what are the following: 1. around me many cathegories selected button 2. other information many categories around me button? What is the difference between these two buttons and how to choose different categories? also what does notify me button do when it is on or off? Thank you for an explanation. Would anyone make a podcast for this app please?