google search

By Jim R, 28 January, 2014

iOS and iPadOS
Hi, Has anyone used google search app? It says you can do reminders and stuff on the iphone, but when I try it just populates the search field? I like google search better then Siri as Siri never will set any location reminders on ios 7.04.



By Andrew on Thursday, January 23, 2014 - 23:18

Yes, I use google search all of the time. You can use google search very well with voice over and setting up reminders is not difficult. I believe you can search for Scott's pod-cast on this and he goes through how to set reminders on this latest version. I am able to set location based reminders with SIRI all the time on my I-Phone 5s running IOS 7.0.4. Are you certain that you have SIRI set in the "on" position in your privacy and location based services? If you do not, this is probably why SIRI will not allow you to do this; otherwise you might need to see a genius bar apple guy, because you should be able to do that. -Andrew-
I looked in privacy / location services and it says it is on. clicking on this and looking in the list I see "siri requested with in the last 24 hours," "on"
Hello, I don't know what to tell you then; setting location based reminders with SIRI is not an issue for me. It works just fine and I am running IOS 7.0.4 on my 5s. -Andrew-
I tried it again and it seems to be working fine now. not sure what changed, maybe my understanding of how to interact with the ui. Was hoping it could be done all by voice.