Google Chrome is a good alternative to Safari on iOS

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯, 4 August, 2016

iOS and iPadOS

Hello AppleVis community!

I have a way u can browse the internet without Safaari if you choose to.

1. If you don't have the Google app get it it's a free download.
2. Once it's open just go 2 your search box & type in 4 example:
3. Once u hit your search button u can navigate the page & read content in a simpler way!

Note: You may have 2 go through stuff on the page before u get 2 what u want but it's not horrible. Hope this helps.



By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Thursday, August 18, 2016 - 22:38

If u just get the google app, it works. I've not had experience with Chrome. I just use Google's Search app.