I have been working more with the Gutenberg app and there are good and not so good things about it. The books are readable from within the library that you create within the app when and if you download books. The books read well, but if the iphone or ipad or whatever is bumped, the book starts from the beginning again. If there is a way to bookmark your place, and there might be, I haven't found it yet. I have heard that voice dream will read Gutenberg books and I've read both positive and negative reviews on this, I wonder if it will read books from within the Gutenberg app or if I will have to download the books again through voice dream or something else or if I can import them some way. It is definitely better than nothing having this app as accessible as it is but there are minor glitches to work around and maybe we can all put our heads together to work things out. I'm a bit shy about posting an actual app entry but maybe sometime I can overcome this but I don't want to submit wrong information or miss putting something vital in the entry that people will need and memorizing app development information or version information that is there. The tabs are not labeled across the bottom of the screen, but once you tap on them, they are self explanatory. I would definitely encourage anyone to download this app for less than $3, either 99 cents or 1.99, I forget, as it is well worth it for all you get access to and being that the library grows daily. Please post any positive or negative feedback you might have about this app so we can all learn and hopefully make the app better in the long run.