In Facebook Messenger Voiceover constantly speaks call duration

By Shawn Kirkpatrick, 12 April, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

When on an audio or video call in Facebook Messenger Voiceover speaks the call duration every second. This interferes with conversations and makes it almost impossible to control the app.
Has anybody else noticed this problem?
It didn't always do this but it's been going on for a while now.
The only thing that seems to stop this is either turning Voiceover off or pressing the home button so Messenger isn't onscreen.
Are there any suggestions of how to work around this problem? Maybe I'm missing something obvious.



By Tristo on Sunday, April 23, 2023 - 23:34

I don't do many video calls on messenger, so I haven't noticed this, but what you could do is instead of turning VO off, just turn VO volume down in the router.

By Steve Mann on Sunday, April 23, 2023 - 23:34

The only way I know of to stop Voiceover from continuously spamming you with call duration is to go out of the Messenger app and to your home screen once the call is active. Nothing else I know of, short of doing that or shutting off Voiceover completely, will stop that happening now that the Facebook Messenger developers have once more fixed something that wasn't broken.

By tripolice on Sunday, April 23, 2023 - 23:34

I am facing this issue only when the call is on earpiece. VO is not interupting with the call duration during speaker or video mode. What I do is three finger double tap to turn speech off after putting the VO focus on the Audio Call button and then would double tap with one finger to innitiate the call.