Has anyone else had this issue? For example when I want to delete or move the first or second app on a page, I double tap and hold, vo makes the noise but never goes into edit mode. I have to end up double tap and holding on another app in order to go into edit mode to move or delete the app I want to move. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Are you using vo. and zoom together? I've heard on podcasts on here that if you have vo. and zoom on editing apps will not work unless you turn 1 of them off. I'm not on 11 yet, but I have been listening to podcats and reading various things on here. If you have vo. and zoom on turn 1 off and leave the other one on then edit apps. If you don't have any of that going on then only other thing I can say if do reboot or hard reset.
It is working well, here.
I only use VoiceOver and everything seems to be working perfectly, here.