Difficulty entering numbers from the phone screen

By Cal, 5 November, 2017

iOS and iPadOS

I'm using an iPhone 8 and when I'm trying to enter numbers from the telephone keypad they sometimes click or just beep without saying that number it is. I can't seem to slide my finger around and hear what number it's under. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? I would run into this problem occasionally on my older phone, but when I need to enter in information in a menu it's next to impossible to do so now and there's no option to speak my answer or default to an operator at the number I'm calling. Any help would be welcome. Thanks for reading.



By david s on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 19:52


Did you set up your iPhone 8 as a new phone or did you restore from back up. I am thinking you restored from back up and the problem manifested itself on your new iPhone.

Do you have audio ducking enabled? This should let VO be a bit louder than the other audio that is currently on. Did you try increasing the volume while trying to swipe around the keypad? This should increase the volume of the current function.

I know, lots of questions but I’ve never heard of an issue like this and I’m curious as to what is causing it.

HTH and good luck.

By Jeff on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 19:52

I've had a similar experience if I press too firmly with 3D Touch enabled. You can either set 3D Touch to require a firmer touch or disable it altogether. Try pressing very lightly when moving around the screen to see if you have more success.