Creating text as images for social media

By Syd, 18 May, 2021

iOS and iPadOS

Hi all,

I want to be able to create content for social media. I'm sure you've all seen when someone has created a photo with text within it. I've figured out how to do this with the keynote app, but when I try to crop it to a square and a suitable size, it's cropping out some of the text, according to a friend I sent test images to.

Does anyone have a failsafe way to do this? Settings I need to stick to? Any way I can do this and not have to keep bombarding my sighted friend with images before I get it right? I can see there are size settings within the keynote app which I can use before exporting it as an image but no idea what I need to have it set to.

Any help massively appreciated!



By Khushi on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 - 22:57

I also want something like that. honestly I asked about canva accessibility here at applevis but didn't got any answers.
here's the post I'm talking about. Canva seems more interesting because many sighted people use it to create graphics for blogs and social media and I figured that they've ALT text on their website but I'm not sure about how accessible the experience is as I didn't got any replies from the community on that post :(

By Wenwei on Friday, June 18, 2021 - 22:57

I don't post text graphics on my socials, but I often need to send screenshots to clients. I have an aira agent crop out any unnecessary text, and they do it in less than 2 minutes. If there's a way to drag and resize images myself, then I'd love to know how to do that! Time is money, and sometimes sighted assistance is necessary. Just pay someone whose job it is to provide support for all your visual tech needs.

By Khushi on Friday, June 18, 2021 - 22:57

I don't know whether aira is in India or not and also it might be expensive if its here in India. so if apps are accessible it'd be useful.