Copying text onto the clipboard on iOS, just got an idea!

By jprykiel, 3 October, 2019

iOS and iPadOS

Might be a little off topic here, but I think I have an idea that could benefit all iOS users, and I do not know what would be the best way to forward it to Apple, we can always dream.
For now, VoiceOver users have a privilege over others, that of being able to copy any text that has just been pronounced in the clipboard, by typing 4 times with 3 fingers.
But this copy is not selective, and this makes this function a bit complicated to use when you want to copy something specific.
So, I thought that the text selection function, which can only be used in a text field at the moment, could be extended to all situations and screens of our device.
Important information in an SMS, a site, a book or a PDF document or even in your iPhone's settings, could be easily copied and sent back if necessary.
What do you think?



By cool cat on Friday, October 11, 2019 - 07:38

Yes! There have been lots of instances where I go to use the text selection and it's not a option on the rotor. I would love to use it where ever I want.

By Shelley on Friday, October 11, 2019 - 07:38

Ok but my question is how to paste it somewhere else say in Writer, for instance? Is there a place to read all the gestures because I don't remember seeing that one. Where am I not looking? :):

By jprykiel on Friday, October 11, 2019 - 07:38

Hi Shelley,
whilst in a text field, you can access these options via voice-over's rotor.
Using my iPhone in French, I'm not sure how these are called in English, but I would guess you would have to turn the rotor to edit, and you will see all the options by sweeping up or down, including paste.
You also have a text selection option, but you still have to be in a text field to see it. Also, you must first activate it in voice-over's rotor settings.
Lastly, you can copy the last thing voice-over said by typing four times with three fingers, this is the only option that works everywhere, even outside a text field.
But I would love all these options to be available rather or not you are in a text field, as I said in my first message.
Hope this helps.