Hi All,
I've just discovered by accident how to make sure the Appstore App shows how many updates you may have without having to go into the updates tab. Basically, if you turn on notifications for the Appstore App it shows if you have any updates from outside the app like you would get for new mails or messages. If you don't have notifications turned on it doesn't show up.
Hope this helps someone.
Wow! I never thought of that! I always had notifications for app store off. What you just said is making me rethink that. I always go into my updates tab at least once a day and see what updates I have if any. Then, if there's an app that has a history of really messing up, (Yes, I'm looking at you Messenger and Facebook!!)
I try to keep every app I use updated, mainly for security reasons, but sometimes, for features especially with apps like Seeing Ai. or Weather Gods. But, for me, the 2nd most important reason is the bug fixes. Thanks for this tip!
not working for me
I have notifications turned on for Appstore through notification settings. However, I'm not seeing any such notification from the Appstore. What am I missing?
Hi, what notification options do you have? E.G show on lock screen etc. Silly question have you had any updates since you set this up? Maybe try a phone reset. What phone do you have. this works for me on a 6 and an 8.
using latest update of iOS 12
I have notifications on lock screen, history, etc on, and I have notifications for Appstore turned on in notifications settings showing as a temporary banner, badges on, previews showing always, and grouped by app,. I'm using an iPhone 6+. And yes, I did a reboot since I made sure notifications for app store was turned on. Still nothing about updates short of what i see on the App Store icon on the home screen.
Same here. I get no actual
Same here. I get no actual notifications from the App Store. Just a badge by the icon if there are new updates.
To clarify
Hi Guys re comment 6: This is exactly what I was referring to. You don't get a notification on the lock screen. That would be great. What having notification turned on does is it shows the update status on the home screen without having to go into the app. So comment 6 seems to be working as I suggested. If you turn notifications off you would not see this status.