Can't change uncontracted braille to contracted

By Chamomile, 7 October, 2024

iOS and iPadOS


I just recently got my new iPhone 16 yesterday and was trying to connect my braille display. In the braille settings, there is no option to change the input and output from uncontracted to contracted braille. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Thanks :)



By Lielle ben simon on Monday, October 7, 2024 - 01:59

Hi, yes, there is an option to change the input and output Braille tables.
One is from Braille Settings on VoiceOver.
You need to make sure that you have selected "unContracted Braille" table.
Go there and select Contracted Braille table.
On Braille tables go to "add Braille table" and select your Braille table that you want to" use.
After that, go to "input and change it.
Make the change in Output if you want to read Contracted Braille.
If you're not using multy language Braille tables like me you're finished.
The second way is change on a fly.
On iOS 18 you can change input and output Braille tables on a fly.
In order to change the input you need to press: 2-3-6+Space to change the input, and dots: 1-2-4-5+Space change the output.

By Chamomile on Monday, October 7, 2024 - 01:59

Thanks, I must've skipped over the braille table settings while skimming through the overall braille settings :)