Calendar in ios 7.1

By Jayson, 11 March, 2014

iOS and iPadOS
I can not find any list over my booked activities in iPhone calendar at all. In Ios 7.0.6 I double tapped at search button and then could see the list, but now it doesnt work. How can i do to see them in ios 7.1? there also is a list button beside of the name of month but nothing happends either. Help me!



By Soupy on Monday, March 24, 2014 - 01:19

The quickest and easiest way that I have found to show all of your scheduled events as a list is to first make sure that the ‘List’ button at the top of the page is unselected and then tap on any day of the month. If you do this whilst the List button is selected, the app will only show the events for that specific day and these will be displayed on the bottom part of the screen.

By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Monday, March 24, 2014 - 01:19

Can't you also show you're events from the notification center using a three finger swipe down from the status bar.